Saturday, September 14, 2013

40 years after military coup in Chile

Hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets to mark the anniversary of 40 years of the military coup in Chile on September 11, 1973. Manifestation met relatives of the disappeared, musical groups, associations, along with people who were against the military regime.In this image relatives and friends of missing manifest through the streets of Concepción.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The greatness of Sirian (Teaching)

The greatness of Sirian Pocko People (Teaching) One man offer to me and one photographer friend one tea in his house in Jabal Badro neighbourhood in Alepo two days after he lose relatives and part of his house the disaster caused for an apparent surface-to-surface missile strike on the city. La grandeza de la gente de Siria (Enseñanza) Un hombre me ofrece a mi y a un amigo fotógrafo un té en su casa en el barrio de Jabal Badro en Alepo dos días despues de perder familiares y parte de su casa en el desastre causado por un misil tierra-tierra que cayo en la ciudad.